Victorie specializes in Immuno & Autoimmune Diseases, Surgery, Chronic Pain, Anxiety, Stress, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Urinary Incontinence, Overactive Bladder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder as well as Sports Performance, Weight Management and Smoke Cessation Hpnotherapy.
I, Tori (Victorie Valspirit), stand for my clients loving themselves, knowing their true values, expecting the best in life, being happy, healthy, strong and prosperous. Understanding that they can make a choice to transform and change their lives and make it all that it can be. As a result of my work as a Clinical Hypnotherapist, Teacher and Empowerment Coach knowing that we have the ability to create the lives that we were meant to have. Acknowledging the power within us because it is possible for human kind to experience “Heaven on Earth.” Board Certification #F10319-600.
We use a series of hypnotic induction techniques combined with deepening. Our cumulative, customized modality is constructed to give the each client maximum benefits & success to achieve their goals for all medical issues, surgery, pain management, weight management, bladder control, sports, test taking, focus, motivation, to aid in healing faster & more. Today we have a 93.4% success rate.